月考完之後有兩天半的假可以好好享受,所以我們一夥人就規劃來個維甘之旅啦!!直接轉入正題,我們抵達維甘城之後就馬上前往〝ILOCOS的 PAOAY SAND DUNE〞我們在那裡玩了很刺激的吉普車,而且這裡可以看到美麗的夕陽跟沙灘。
到了晚上我們前往維甘城最古老的街道〝Crisologo Street〞由鵝軟石舖成的街道還有華麗的馬車讓整條街充滿著濃厚的歷史氣息。
第二天起了個大早我們前往〝bantay church bell tower〞接著我們爬上鐘塔的頂部,一望無際的風景真的是超美,而這座鐘塔在西班牙殖民時代曾作為海盜的守望台。
I am going to introduce you to 〝Vigan〞, one of the ancient cities of Philippine culture.
The city is dominated by Spanish culture and is the best preserved Asian model in Spanish colonial towns.
After the month of the exam, there are two and a half days of vacation to enjoy, so we have a group of people planning a trip to Vigan!!
Go straight to the topic, we will go to 〝ILOCOS PAOAY SAND DUNE〞
We played a very exciting jeep there, and here you can see the beautiful sunset and the beach.
In the evening we head to the oldest street in Vigan, 〝Crisologo Street〞
The streets paved by goose soft stones and gorgeous carriages make the whole street full of history.
At dinner time, we do our own cooking and bring our own drinks and then open Party!!
Then we played like this until three o’clock in the morning, it was really crazy, and I really admire the Korean people’s energy and strength.
The next day, we got to the 〝bantay church bell tower〞, and then we climbed to the top of the clock tower.
The endless scenery is truly super beautiful, and this clock tower used to be a pirate watchtower during the Spanish colonial era.
Soon the weekend came to an end, and the happy time always went very fast. It was time to return to Baguio JIC.
Let us look forward to the next trip.
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